The State of EDMS

  • by Regan Wolfrom

    By defining the architecture of document content, metadata, and organization, schemas serve as foundational blueprints that facilitate document validation, standardization, and efficient retrieval.

    One of the reasons why documents are known as unstructured data is because they do not have a fixed set of properties. While you may have a form that has specific fields to be filled in, you likely have multiple types of documents to manage, and even among one specific form, you may have a wide range of acceptable inputs allowed, even entire sections that are filled out in some cases and left blank in others. And even in an organization with a well-oiled system of forms and other document templates, there will always be some documents that just don’t fit in with the others. So a good, flexible document management system allowed for this lack of structure. But a good, flexible document management system also allows you to enforce structure where you need it.